Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tapa cloth

Talofa Bloggers

Today I will be showing you a Tapa cloth ( Tapa cloth, also known as Siapo is a traditional way, to make clothing in Samoa) that I made on google drawings that I made yesterday. Did you know that the colors that they use are all from plants, like yellow is from turmeric. I created my Siapo by repeating the patterns that I had, I also did it by by resizing them, rotated them, and by translating them. 

Thank you for reading my blog post if you have any more facts you can leave them in the comment section.


  1. Talofa lava Miraj,

    thank you for sharing your siapo. I really love the flower pattern and your diamond pattern as well. Your patterns are incredible. I bet your pattern was easy for you.I think it will be really hard for me and our classmates. How did you create such an amazing piece of art? I really liked all your designs on the siapo.

    1. Hi Salote,
      Thank you for saying that, making those patterns weren't easy, but they weren't hard either. Either way thank you for reading my blog post.


  2. Talofa lava Miraj
    We really enjoyed reading your post about your siapo patterns. It was awesome how you told us about how you made it and what you did. It's just a little bit better. We learnt so much. And I have a question: how are you that good. Do you have any tips? Selui and I like your design.

    1. Hi Dayton and Selui,
      It wasn't that hard or that easy to come up with those patterns, the tips I have are think outside the box, and look at how it's designed. Either way thank you for reading my blog post.


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