Sunday, January 6, 2019

World Wild Life Fund What are they saving from being extinct

Ki Ora 

Today I am going to tell you winch animals are  World wild life fund for short WWF. They are trying to save the Samar seals their are only 360 left. Their trying to help by building snow banks because they reproduce in the show banks and help the population grow.

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Thank you for reading


Image result for samar seals animal 

1 comment:

  1. Talofa lava Miraj,

    I’m Dani, I’m a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey. I grew up in Northland then I moved down to Auckland to study and now I live in Three Kings. I normally spend my time in the Kaikohekohe cluster but we decided I should see some of the awesome posts in the Ako Hiko cluster! I am looking forward to spending some time in Ako Hiko and I hope to see some great posts!

    Did you enjoy watching the video about how the volunteers are trying to help the Lake Saimaa ringed seals? I think it is amazing that people are volunteering their time to build up the snow banks. The Lake Saimaa ringed seals actually burrow into the snow and build something called a lair. That’s where they keep their pups.

    I can’t wait to read more of your blog soon!

    Blog ya later,



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